Discrete Neyman-Pearson via external randomization
December 14, 2024
\[\newcommand{\lr}{\Lambda} \newcommand{\ind}{\mathbf{1}} \newcommand{\Pr}{\mathbb{P}}\]
When testing a point null \(P\) against a point alternative \(Q\), the Neyman-Pearson lemma says to find the threshold \(\kappa\) such that
\[P(\lr(X) \geq \kappa) =\alpha,\]where \(\lr = d Q/d P\) is the likelihood ratio between \(Q\) and \(P\). The resulting test rejects when \(\lr\) is at least \(\kappa\), i.e.,
\[\phi(x) = \begin{cases} 1,& \text{if }\lr(x) \geq \kappa,\\ 0,&\text{otherwise}, \end{cases}\]and is uniformly most powerful.
Such a value \(\kappa\) can only be guaranteed to exist when the distributions are continuous. What do you do when the distributions are discrete?
Suppose you order the values of the likelihood ratio, \(\lr(x_i)<\lr(x_{i+1})\) for all \(i\) (there are possibly infinitely many, but countably many so such an ordering makes sense). Suppose you add uniform noise between \(\lr(x_i)\) and \(\lr(x_{i+1})\). That is, you preprocess your data such that if the original likelihood ratio was \(\lr(X) = \lr(x_i)\), you observe
\[\widetilde{\lr}(X) = \lr(x_i) + z, \text{ where } z\sim U[\lr(x_i), \lr(x_{i+1})].\]On this augmented probability space, the desired value of \(\kappa\) does exist. In particular, let \(i\) be such that \(P(\lr(X) \geq \lr(x_i)) >\alpha\) and \(P(\lr(X) \geq \lr(x_{i+1})) < \alpha\) (if there exists some \(i\) such that \(P(\lr(X) \geq \lr(x_{i+1})) = \alpha\) then there’s no problem). Then there exists a value of \(\kappa\in(\lr(x_i),\lr(x_{i+1}))\) such that
\[\Pr(\widetilde{\lr}(X) \geq \kappa) = \alpha.\]Here I’m using \(\Pr\) instead of \(P\) to indicate that we’re technically working on a different space, since we’re adding the randomness of \(z\) to the original space. Note that \(z\) is drawn after observing \(\lr(X)\) so the distribution from which it’s drawn is well-defined. Rewriting this,
\[\begin{align} \alpha &= \Pr(\widetilde{\lr}(X) \geq \kappa) \\ &= P(\lr(X) > \lr(x_i)) + \Pr(\lr(X) = \lr(x_i), z \geq k) \\ &= P(\lr(X) > \lr(x_i)) + P(\lr(X) = \lr(x_i))\gamma, \end{align}\]where \(\gamma = \Pr(z \geq k)\). Now consider the following alternative explanation of the display above: If you draw \(\lr(X) = \lr(x_i)\) then flip a coin with bias \(\gamma\) and reject if the coin lands heads. Otherwise, reject if \(\lr(X) > \lr(x_i)\) and accept if \(\lr(X) < \lr(x_i)\). In other words, run the test
\[\psi(x) = \begin{cases} 1, & \lr(x) > \lr(x_i), \\ \gamma,& \lr(x) =\lr(x_i),\\ 0, & \lr(x) <\lr(x_i). \end{cases}\]But this is precisely the classical form of the Neyman-Pearson lemma in the discrete case. So we have recovered the discrete NP-lemma by using external randomization on the data and applying the continuous NP-lemma. I would like to claim that this is a fresh and deep insight, but alas this should in fact be radically unsurprising if you think about what “randomization” actually means in the discrete case. Merry Christmas.
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