"Curiouser and curiouser!" Cried Alice.

Selected Papers

For a full list see my CV.
Time-uniform confidence spheres for means of random vectors
Ben Chugg, Hongjian Wang, Aaditya Ramdas.
2023 | paper
A unified recipe for deriving (time-uniform) PAC-Bayes bounds
Ben Chugg, Hongjian Wang, Aaditya Ramdas.
JMLR, 2023 | paper
Auditing fairness by betting
Ben Chugg, Santiago Cortes-Gomez, Bryan Wilder, Aaditya Ramdas.
NeurIPS, 2023 (Spotlight) | paper | code
Entropy Regularization for Population Estimation
Ben Chugg, Peter Henderson, Jacob Goldin, Daniel E. Ho.
AAAI, 2023 (Oral) | paper | code
Simultaneous visibility representations of undirected pairs of graphs
Ben Chugg, Will Evans, Kelvin Wong.
Journal of Computational Geometry, 2021 | paper
Composable Computation in Leaderless, Discrete Chemical Reaction Networks
Hooman Hashemi, Ben Chugg, Anne Condon.
DNA, 2020 (Journal invite) | paper
The Graph Simplex Correspondence and its Algorithmic Foundations
Ben Chugg.
MSc Thesis. Oxford University, 2019 | paper
Output-Oblivious Chemical Reaction Networks
Ben Chugg, Anne Condon, Hooman Hashemi.
OPODIS, 2018 | paper